Vehicle Edit & Clone Support

Vehicle Edit & Clone Support We are having a LAN with mates soon and want to test out T&T with more than 2 players. On that note, we have been sprinting towards ironing out the final big pain points. What would that be you ask? I'm glad you asked... seeing as I planted the idea that you in fact did want to ask in the first place! If not, tough! But you already know as the title has given it away: Bug free (I hope!) support for editing a vehicle's route as well as the ability to clone a vehicle. The vehicle panel (left side of the screen) has some snazzy looking tool buttons that provides access to: (1) locate and follow the vehicle, (2) edit the vehicle, (3) clone the vehicle, (4) delete the vehicle. Clicking edit or clone will bring up the dialog you see on the right which shows where the train will stop and what will be unloaded and loaded at each stop. This is now editable once the vehicle has been setup, which should allow for some good micro to optimize...