Back On Track

In our last blog we said: We have decided to halt development until Godot 3.1 is released, as there are two critical issues we require that [we] are expecting: LOD , and Multiplayer Timeout settings. We expected Godot 3.1 to include fixes for both of these issues, however they have been pushed back to Godot 4.0 which probably won't be out this year. Now that we have had a break I want to get Trains & Things into some sort of ship-able product. It is 80% done so why not put in some effort and get it out there? Finally, in talking with the team, we have decided to get back on the tracks and work around the missing Godot features, and we have put together a little list of the things we want to do before we consider shipping: 1) Performance improvements 2) Polish up a set of maps 3) Deal with some pain points 4) PR/Marketing/Social It sounds so simple! In fact the biggest problem we are facing is a lack of time - which a successful Kickstarter would have provided. ...