Trains & Things - OUT NOW!

Trains & Things - It's out now! Go get it! Buy it, play it, love it. Invite your friends to play! On Steam or Itch Also for those who have been wanting to try the demo recently but haven't been able to as the recent builds got uploaded without executables, this is now fixed! 0.2 - Warehousing Now that 0.1 is done and dusted whats next? Version 0.2 of course, which we have named "Warehousing" as this is the primary feature which I will talk about more in a second. To see a complete list of what to expect in 0.2 you can head over to our GitLab page: GitLab Issue Tracking. Do note that this is more a "wishlist" than a "it shall be so" list. Things might get pushed in or moved to a future update. In preparing this blog I have been a bit hesitant to talk about what I am working on and fixing for the next release as I have found some exploits that currently exist in 0.1 but will be fixed in 0.2. I would encourage you NOT to use the...