Mod support & Train config

Whats going down in code land? Mod support Lately, I have been working on mod support. I wanted to get this done early in the piece, so that modders can start working their craft. Also I want to get feedback from modders to help improve my code API for them, and so would rather do this sooner rather than later. For example, in writing the "Example Mod," which will ship with the game I wanted to replace the train with a customized version. To do this without any modifications to my code would take 5-10 lines of code. This was overly verbose, and as a result I modified my game code so that I could do it in 1 line of code. The tricky bit with modding at the moment is that of breaking backwards compatibility as I continue to work on code. This is the bane of modders - when a developer goes and radically alters their code breaking mods. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do here except provide good communication over what has changed and why. For research, I looked...